Major proposal for Coles and Woolworths meat aisles, girl falls off hotel balcony: Australian news live

The man who died on the Singapore Airlines flight has since been identified.

Yahoo's live news blog for Wednesday, May 22 has concluded.

We started the day with the news a passenger died on a Singapore Airlines flight following extreme turbulence. Thirty more were injured, while 56 Australians were onboard.

Queensland Labor MP Brittany Lauga has closed her electorate office due to her staff being threatened weeks after she said she was drugged and sexually assaulted. Read more here.

There is also a proposal to change how meat is served in Coles and Woolworths. Find out more in the blog below.

  • Child falls from hotel balcony

    A girl has fallen from a hotel balcony in Sydney's north at about 11am this morning.

    She was treated at the scene in Wahroonga and taken by ambulance to the Children's Hospital at Westmead in a stable condition.

    Source: Careflight
    Source: Careflight
  • MP defends withdrawn comment in Parliament

    Queensland's Shadow Minister for Health and Women Ros Bates was ordered to withdraw a remark which was described by Premier Steven Marles as "disgraceful" in Parliament today.

    Now-deleted video shared by Minister for Health and Women Shannon Fentimen shows how she was interrupted with the remark when talking about women's health and maternity services.

    Fentimen claimed Bates said "close your legs" however Bates later denied saying such a remark targeting Fentimen. In a statement online, she claimed she said "cross your legs" in reference to maternity issues in the state and what she believed Labor were asking pregnant women who could not access maternity services.

    Bates said she was "deeply offended" by what she said was a misrepresentation.

    At the time of the remark, Bates had agreed to withdraw it at the request of the speaker. Hansard recorded the Mudgeeraba MP as saying “cross your legs”.

    The Opposition has been targeting Fentimen of late, suggesting she is unfit for her role as health minister amid concerns ambulance ramping is only becoming worse. Premier Steven Miles today defended Fentimen, saying she has his support and accused Bates of "disgraceful behaviour".

    "No woman should be treated like this in a workplace, or anywhere for that matter," he said.

  • Singapore Airlines plane diverted to Bangkok close to final destination

    The following graphic reveals how a Singapore Airlines plane experienced two severe turbulence incidents, resulting in the death of one man and dozens more injured.

    ANKARA, TURKIYE - MAY 21: An infographic titled ''Severe turbulence causes casualties on passenger plane
    Source: Getty
  • Eight Australians among those injured on Singapore Airlines flight

    At least eight Australians are among the injured passengers after a Singapore Airlines flight was hit by extreme turbulence.

    One of the 211 passengers died on the flight, while 56 of the passengers were Australian.

    Home Affairs Minister Clare O'Neil said her thoughts were with those affected by the in-air incident.

    "This is a terrible experience that these people have gone through," she said.

    Read more here.

    The interior of Singapore Airline flight SG321 is pictured after an emergency landing at Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi International Airport, Thailand, May 21, 2024. REUTERS/Stringer
    The interior of Singapore Airline flight SG321 is pictured after its emergency landing. Source: Reuters
  • Claims of child in cage at Aussie worksite rejected

    The boss of a man who brought his young son to an industrial worksite when he couldn't find him a daycare spot has insisted the child was "safe" after reports emerged he'd been placed in a cage.

    Authorities in Darwin were alerted about safety concerns of the child on May 16, prompting family agencies to step in.

    Images of the enclosure show railings put together with toys and and a blanket in the middle.

    The man’s boss has hit back at claims the child was being kept in a cage, claiming the makeshift pen was for safety.

    “We have an industrial business,” he said. “If you have a child here, they must be safe.”

    Read more here.

    NT child pen
    The alleged pen the child was in. Source: NCA NewsWire/ Sky News
  • Is Serena Williams returning to tennis?

    Is Serena Williams making a sensational return to tennis? Well that's what fans certainly think after a social post saying she was ready to hit a few balls sent the tennis world into meltdown.

    The 42-year-old hung up her racket two years ago but stated she never liked the word retirement.

    See what you make of the post on X below and read more from Yahoo Sports Australia.

  • Big change proposed for supermarket meat aisles

    A big change to meat packets across the country could be in the works and would likely give shoppers more confidence in whether their food is fit to eat or not.

    A study from Monash University researchers and supported by Meat & Livestock Australia focused on use by dates placed on supermarket meat products, and has led to the proposal of a new innovative system that could interest the likes of Coles and Woolworths.

    Instead of printing a date, small indicators are placed on the inside of the package and they change colour in response to the rising pH levels caused by the growth of bacteria, indicating to the customer when a product is unfit to eat.

    Is this the future of use by dates? Source: Getty/ Monash
    Is this the future of use by dates? The reactive dots would replace traditional use by dates. Source: Getty/ Monash

    “Colour-changing indicators on the package are a way of giving consumers real time information that meat is still fit for consumption,” Dr Joanne Tanner, of the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, said.

    “By contrast, a Best Before date merely represents a conservative estimate of how long the packaged meat will remain usable and is not an actual gauge of freshness. It is based on a series of worst-case assumptions about its handling and refrigeration through the supply chain.”

    “This means meat is often returned or disposed of when it is actually still fit for consumption.”

  • World's most expensive feather sold in New Zealand

    A feather in New Zealand has sold for more than $40,000, making it the world's most expensive.

    The feather comes from a bird extinct since the early 20th century named the huia. Its feathers were worn by Maori leaders and was a sign of high status.

    “This rare huia feather is a beautiful example of Aotearoa’s natural history and reminds us of the fragility of our ecosystem,” Leah Morris, head of decorative arts at Webb’s Auction House in Auckland, said.

    The feather sold for NZ$46,521 ($42,560), smashing the expected price of NZ$3,000.

    Read more here.

    The single feather attracted plenty of interest. Source: Webb's Auction House
    The single feather attracted plenty of interest. Source: Webb's Auction House
  • Kim Jong Un doesn't want 'burden' of nuclear weapons

    While large parts of the world may see Kim Jong Un as an unpredictable threat, a former South Korean president has painted a very different picture of the authoritarian North Korean leader.

    In a new memoir, Moon Jae-in, who oversaw the unprecedented summits between Kim and former US President Donald Trump, wrote that the North Korean leader “repeatedly” and “desperately” made clear that Pyongyang did not intend to use its nuclear weapons and was frustrated by international mistrust.

    “He also mentioned that he has a daughter and doesn’t want her generation to live with the burden of nuclear weapons. He sincerely explained his commitment to denuclearisation," he said.

    Read more here.

    Kim Jong Un in front of North Korean flags
    Kim Jong Un. Source: Getty
  • Grandfather killed in Singapore Airlines turbulence flight identified

    A grandfather has been identified as the man who died on a Singapore Airlines flight after extreme turbulence.

    Geoff Kitchen, 73, suffered a suspected heart attack before the flight was forced into an emergency landing in Bangkok.

    Tributes have poured in for Kitchen, who was heading off for a six-week holiday with his wife.

    Read more here.

    Geoff Kitchen
    Geoff Kitchen
  • Turbulence increasing due to climate change, researchers say

    Following the death of a British passenger on a Singapore Airlines flight due to severe turbulence, many of you are asking how common this is.

    Well according to researchers, such incidents are on the rise. And it's all down to climate change.

    "Clear air turbulence", which often occurs without any advanced warning, is "hazardous to aircraft and is projected to intensify in response to future climate change," say the authors of a 2023 study from Reading University in the UK.

    Read more here.

  • Aussies dismayed over Powerball prizes

    Have you ever matched a few Powerball numbers and expected a small windfall, only to realise what you've actually won is far from what you envisaged? Well you're not alone.

    Dozens of players have matched seven of eight balls since the Powerball began rolling over last month, reaching $150 million this week.

    For one former division three winner, which like division two is just one ball off division one, the several thousand dollars he won is just "not fair".

    Read more here and have your say.

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