'Uncomfortable' video of Harry and Meghan standing for 'God Save the King': 'Awkward'

Royal fans were quick to share their thoughts on the moment.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were forced to stand for 'God Save the King' in an 'uncomfortable' video. Photo: Getty

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have wrapped up their unofficial three-day tour of Nigeria, but not without an incredibly awkward moment being captured on camera. The pair attended a charity dinner where they were forced to stand for the UK's national anthem, 'God Save the King'.


In the video, Harry and Meghan stand like statues, keeping their expressions as neutral as possible, while military personnel were seen saluting next to them for the duration of the song.

Many people have taken to X to comment on the "awkward" royals, with one user writing, "They must be squirming here, seeing as they hate every thing the royal family stand for especially knowing none of them including his father want anything to do with them!"

Harry and Meghan stand for 'God Save the King'
Harry and Meghan stand like statues, keeping their expressions as neutral as possible, while military personnel were seen saluting next to them. Photo: Getty

"They’re playing God Save the King….. how awkward for Harry cuz Nigeria still showing they are Team King Charles (and Prince William)," another said.

"Ooh that's gotta sting lol," a third said, while a fourth added, "Haha, it's kinda laughable really!"

"Are they going to stand up when William is King. 2 yoyo's sure they must be grinding their teeth having to stand up," someone else wrote.

"Must have been making him rage inside having to stand," another said.

Prince Harry and King Charles
Prince Harry was reportedly reduced to tears after learning of Prince William's newest honour bestowed upon him by King Charles. Photo: Getty

It comes after Prince Harry was reportedly reduced to tears after learning that Prince William had recently been made colonel-in-chief of the Army Air Corps by their father, King Charles, despite the Duke of Sussex actually serving in that unit in Afghanistan.

The announcement came the same day that Harry was in London for the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games, making it feel like rather odd timing, according to royal expert Tom Quinn.

"King Charles’ announcement … is a real kick in the teeth for the son who always felt marginalised and underrated," Quinn told The Mirror. “He is said to have been in tears when he heard."


"What makes it much worse is that the role is being given to the very man who Harry sees as the cause of so many of his problems – his brother."

Quinn believes the announcement was "deliberately" made while Harry was in the UK to show that he is "no longer welcome".

"They [the royal family] have decided the gloves are off and that Harry needs to realise that when you betray the family, you don’t just escape the things you hated doing as a working royal," the expert asserted. "You also lose the things you loved."

Quinn adds that Harry's "last few ties to his old life are being cut and he is being set adrift, permanently".

While William was also trained as a pilot in the military, he didn't work in active conflict, instead working as a search-and-rescue and air ambulance pilot.

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