Boss exposed for 'ridiculous' annual leave rejection

The worker texted her boss after finding out her annual leave had been cancelled without any explanation.

A disgruntled worker has leaked a text message exchange between her and her boss, after he tried to cancel her annual leave for one “ludicrous” reason.

The boss has been called out for “breathtaking incompetence” by entrepreneur Ben Askins, who shared the leaked text messages in a social media video.

The worker sent a text to her boss after finding out her annual leave had been cancelled without any explanation.

Ben Askins and boss annual leave texts
Entrepreneur Ben Askins criticised the boss over his reasoning for cancelling a worker's annual leave.

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“Hi, just saw my annual leave has been cancelled for the week commencing May 6th, why is that?” she asked.

Her boss then replies: “Yes, sorry about that, Louis has also just asked for that week off and you know that only one of you can be off at any time.”

The woman then responds: “But he asked after me?”. To which he replies “Yeah I know but he is more senior and company policy is that the more senior person gets priority.”


The worker, likely getting stressed about the situation, fires back with: “But I’ve had this booked off for months! My whole family are going away together!”

Instead of trying to find a solution, the boss replies with: “I am sorry there is nothing I can do, you can go away the next week.”

The worker then says the boss “can’t do this” and suggests she talks to her co-worker Louis to see if he is willing to move his leave, to which her manager responds: “Do what you want, as long as one of you is in, I don’t care.”

After speaking to Louis, the worker tells her boss he is happy to take his leave another week.

Askins slammed the “ludicrous” company rule, along with criticising the boss over his handling of the situation.

“It’s totally reasonable for a company to say, ‘You can’t all be off on annual leave because we need someone to be in the office’,” he said.

“But don’t make it by seniority. Do it on first come, first serve.”

People in the video’s comment also sided with the employee, with one saying seniority should only come into play if both people ask for leave at the same time.

“I’d be out of there so fast. What a ridiculous rule!” another said.

“That is unacceptable. I would start looking at my options after the holiday,” another user wrote.

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