
Meteor Streaks Across Sky Above Mexico City

A meteor burned across the sky over central Mexico on the evening of February 18, Mexico’s Department of Seismology and Volcanism of the Institute of Geological and Atmospheric Research (SIMMSA) confirmed on Twitter.

Nicola Rustichelli captured this footage at multiple locations including Mexico City, Puebla, Guadalajara, and above Popocatépetl Volcano using web cameras.

SIMMSA explained on Twitter that the meteor entered the atmosphere above central Mexico at 8.18 pm and the explosion was a product of “the Earth’s atmosphere that often causes the disintegration of the meteorite.”

The International Meteor Organization said they received six reports of the meteor from several locations in central Mexico, including Mexico City, Jalisco, Michoacán, and Puebla. Credit: Nicola Rustichelli via Storyful