Woman shocked by fiancé’s ‘appalling’ dinnertime action: ‘Gross and disgusting’

A woman is furious at her fiancé for his childish dinnertime behavior. The woman asked Reddit's "Am I the A******" forum if she was in the wrong. She cooks all of her fiancé's meals. When she was eating leftovers from an earlier meal, he insisted that she share her plate with him. He had already eaten all of his food, so she refused. Her fiancé then spat on her plate as retaliation. "I was 100% taken by surprise and was so livid and disgusted. I shouted what the f*** did he just do. He just smirked at me, telling me to enjoy as he walked out". "I was so upset, and I couldn't eat what was on my plate. It was gross and disgusting. I threw it in the garbage can". "And he threw another fit asking why I threw away perfect food and [said] he was counting on me giving it to him after he spat on it". Reddit users thought the fiancé's behavior was a huge red flag. "Don't wait like I did to see what other appalling behaviors your fiancé is capable of," one person said. "He’s acting like an entitled bully," a user commented