Woman pens thought-provoking letter 'to the girl who told [her] that [her] then-boyfriend

What would you do if someone messaged you and told you that your partner was cheating on you?. That’s exactly what happened to one Reddit user — . but instead of getting mad at the girl who tattled on her boyfriend, she was grateful. On April 5, Reddit user koala-balla shared her story to the TwoXChromosomes subreddit, . thanking the girl who reached out to her “for having a stranger’s back”. According to the post, the stranger found koala-balla on Instagram and explained that her then-boyfriend... “had followed [her], started chatting [her] up, and then added [her] on Snapchat”. When the cheating boyfriend decided to send this other woman a photo in his boxers. the woman decided to “pump the brakes” and find his girlfriend. Once the two women came into contact with each other, they quickly bonded and became each other’s support systems. To date, koala-balla still credits the girl who tattled on her ex for helping her find true happiness