Roadside council tree crushes mum's car with two children inside

Kaitlyn Bailey said the large tree branch crushed her car's windshield and blocked the street she was driving on.

The tree snapped onto the road (left) and her car windscreen smashed after the tree fell (right).
The large tree snapped onto the Toowoomba road and smashed Kaitlyn Bailey's car while she travelled with her two children. Source: 7News

A woman and her two young children are lucky to be alive after a tree fell on their car, completely smashing the windscreen and blocking the street they were travelling along seconds earlier. Kaitlyn Bailey was driving in Toowoomba, Queensland last October when she heard a sudden loud noise.

"I was driving home after dropping my partner off and I had my six-month old and two-year old in the back," she told 7News this week. "I was coming along and I heard a crack and I thought it was a branch."

Kaitlyn Bailey speaking to the camera with her long brown hair out and black jumper on.
Kaitlyn Bailey was told it was a 'miracle' neither her or her two children were harmed when the tree fell. Source: 7News

A large tree by the roadside had snapped onto its side and crashed onto her car, yet somehow Kaitlyn escaped with only minor injuries from shattered glass. The mum scrambled out of the car to access the damage and "miraculously" found her two children completely unharmed.

"When I got out my whole front screen was smashed. I look back and it was a whole tree that had fallen down," she said. The damage to her car was so severe it was written off.

"Everyone kept telling me it's a miracle no one was injured," Kaitlyn added.

After frightening the incident Kaitlyn filed a claim with Toowoomba Regional council in the hope of receiving compensation for her insurance excess as the tree was on public land. However, the council has reportedly rejected it.

"Council is unable to reimburse insurance excesses for matters already the subject of an insurance claim," Toowoomba Regional council told 7News. Yahoo News have reached out to the council for comment.

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