Farmer Wants A Wife: Are Joe and Sarah still together?

Fans noticed a very telling clue in the finale that hints Joe and Sarah have split.

Farmer Wants A Wife's Sarah and Joe
Farmer Wants A Wife fans were excited to see Farmer Joe choose Sarah at the end of the show, but are they still together? Photo: Seven

Tuesday night's episode of Farmer Wants A Wife saw a very tough decision for Farmer Joe who had to choose between Sarah and Keely. Joe was clearly nervous about making the decision, telling the cameras, "I’m going to break someone’s heart and making the wrong decision weighs on me."

But in the end, he chose Sarah, who also grew up on a farm and knew what she was in for when it comes to being a farmer's wife.

However, there was a very telling clue in the episode that the pair didn't make it very far past that moment.

The second half of the episode was dedicated to Farmer Andrew from season 11's wedding to Jess, for which Joe was a groomsman as he grew up with Andrew.


While Joe was getting ready for Andrew's big day, we saw him FaceTiming with Sarah, who couldn't make the wedding due to a "prior commitment", which sent fans into a frenzy.

Farmer Andrew and Jess' wedding took place in March if their honeymoon post is anything to go by, and it would make sense that, given they're featured in the same episode as Joe picking Sarah, producers wouldn't want to make it obvious that Joe and Sarah had split if this was the case.

"Anyone think it was weird that she couldn’t make it to the wedding? 'Prior commitment' my a**," one Instagram user wrote.

Farmer Joe FaceTimes with Sarah
While Joe was getting ready for Andrew's big day, we saw him FaceTiming with Sarah, who couldn't make the wedding due to a 'prior commitment', which sent fans into a frenzy. Photo: Seven

"Very strange," another responded. "In a normal, happy relationship it would have to be something extremely major for your partner not to attend one of your best friend's weddings!"

"Because they had already split," a third said.

"I think it would have been because the wedding was a while ago, if she’d have gone, it would have gotten out there that they were together and ruined the suspense of who he ended up with, just my thoughts," someone else suggested.

"Yes I thought that initially but even the phone conversation they had was very forced and she didn’t end with 'see you next week/weekend, miss you, love you. Can’t wait to see the photos.' It just sort of ended weirdly," another added.

Farmer Wants A Wife's Joe cries
It appears as though Farmer Joe and Sarah have already split. Photo: Seven

Well, if rumours are true Joe and Sarah didn't make it much further past the reunion, which was shot about a month after filming wrapped.

"By the reunion, they were already fighting and having major issues," an insider told So Dramatic. "The biggest one was that they hadn’t seen each other in the four weeks since filming wrapped."


The source added, "I think they’re definitely over by now as Joe has been sliding into the DMs of some of the women from other farms on the show."

Wonder who he was chatting to?!

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